Tuesday, October 21, 2008

... a good night.

Most days when I put Rachael to bed, it's just part of the routine. Some days I count the minutes until bedtime. And then there are days like today, when I almost can't bear to put her to bed because we're having such a great time.

I knew she needed to go to bed, though; her eyes had that glassy look, and she had a mild runny nose all day, so she needed the rest. After stories and a prayer, she crawled up in bed and got all cozy. Then she wrapped her arms around my neck, gave me a bear hug, and said "I love you mommy." I tucked her in and her little eyes were already closed, she was probably nearly asleep by the time I left the room.

I just want to remember that there were lovely good nights like this when she's an impossible teenager.

1 comment:

D'ann said...

I'm with you!! Sometimes i wish i could keep my kids the exact ages they are; stick with the known challenges - i am NOT looking forward to all the unknown and volatile teen years.