Saturday, May 30, 2009

Roasted Marshmallows

Mmmmm..... yum......

Roasted fluffed sugar.

Best part of camping.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


I just love it when the magnolia tree in the front yard is in bloom!

Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day

Today I am thankful for all the service men and women that have faithfully served this country, so my family and I can enjoy all the freedoms for which they worked so hard.

Friday, May 22, 2009


The other day we were hurrying out the door to go somewhere. Rachael was dawdling along, and I of course was encouraging her to hurry it up a bit.

"But Mom," she implored, "I'm stopping to smell the roses."

Kind of put me in my place, I guess.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Pump Those Legs

Rachael can pump her own legs on the swing! Hooray! We have been working on this for two years.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Learning from Lorie

Things I have learned from my amazing sister-in-law, Lorie:

- Lemon drops are yummy. Not only did she share that they are wonderful, but she posted the recipe as well. I love them. I can't wait to try them in chocolate and orange. And maybe cherry chip...

- Clean as you go. Not only did I make lemon drops but I made banana bread as well. Then I made potato salad and marinated some chicken for dinner. By cleaning as I went, the kitchen looked good when I was finished. I wish I was a lot better at that skill than I am.

- Home decorating is fun! We're getting ready to re-do Rachael's room and I totally want to fly her out here so she can help pick the colors and some chic accessories. Her boys' rooms turned out so cute. Alas, the budget does not allow for me to fly a personal decorator in, even if she's a relative. Maybe we can email.

Love you Lorie!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Time Marches On

Compare and contrast the following pictures:

Photograph of a beautiful maple tree at EC Million Park, November 2008
Photograph of the same maple tree, May 2009
(I'm standing in a little different spot, but it's the same tree)

The ice storm really did a number on most of the trees out here. I would have loved to get a picture of this tree covered in ice, but the park (like everything else that week) was closed.

On the bright side, look how really green the grass is! Last fall everything was positively crispy from the lack of rain. Now it looks really great!

Friday, May 15, 2009

If I Was a Canister

Preface: sometimes when I am looking for something around the house, I say something like, "If I were the car keys, where would I be?" It's not really helpful, but Rachael thinks it's funny.

Rachael and I went shopping for some canisters to store dried beans and pasta. We went to one store and of course got distracted looking at other things. After a couple of minutes, I heard her say, "If I was a canister, where would I be?"

Thursday, May 14, 2009


My new favorite way to get movies! $1 per night, no matter how many nights you keep them. And you can return them to any Redbox location, so if you check it out at one place, you can drop it off at another.

I'm addicted!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Ballet Friends

We're down to the last couple of weeks of ballet for the year. Since Rachael isn't participating in the recital, her last day will be the first Wednesday in June. It's been a fun class for her, and I think we will do it again in the fall.

Today I got the chance to snap a picture of her with the two other girls in class. I should have snapped one from the beginning, too; when there were a couple more girls and when they were all a little smaller.

Left to right: Carli, Sarah, and Rachael

Monday, May 11, 2009

Mother's Day Memories

Highlights of Mother's Day weekend...

  • My own hedgetrimmers. Yay! And $5 on Craigslist... you can't beat that
  • A 2 1/2 hour trip to Nicholasville, courtesy of the KSP (Actually I guess that isn't a highlight...)
  • An impromptu dinner out on Saturday at Chilis (a real splurge because we're keeping our budget tight right now)
  • Rachael singing with the Primary in Sacrament meeting
  • Chocolate for all the women in sacrament meeting (yum!)
  • Ryan fixing lunch on Sunday
  • Ryan doing the lunch dishes
  • Ryan fixing a delicious steak dinner
  • Ryan doing the dishes - again
  • Rachael singing Mother's Day songs for Nana, Grandma, and me
Thanks Ryan & Rachael for a lovely weekend!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Time for Me

I put my makeup on all alone today, and it was glorious. Nearly every morning Rachael is there to "help" me by handing me brushes and making color suggestions. (Pink blush is her favorite. You would never guess). Anyway, I love that she is my helper, but it also makes me grateful for the times when I have a few minutes alone, too.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Dry Days

Rachael has had more accidents than good days lately... so I'm always thrilled when she stays dry for an entire day.

Here's our latest bribe for staying dry for 30 consecutive days:

At the rate she is going, though, she will be 12 before she gets to play it.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Hide N Seek

She giggles the whole time she is hiding... it makes it a challenge to pretend to look for her!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Sausage Gravy

What better day than the Kentucky Derby to try something really Southern? We made sausage gravy today - and it was pretty good, I'm only slightly embarrassed to admit. You still couldn't talk me into eating it with biscuits, but over scrambled eggs with sausage and hash browns, it was pretty good.