Friday, July 25, 2008

... and a propitious award.

My friend Jolayne [Only With the Heart...] gave me an award for my blog! How fabulous! I have so many people I would like to thank... First, my husband, Ryan, for all the love and support he gives. Plus his blog [Perspicacious Words] is funny sometimes.

Of course my sister-in-law, Lorie [My Providential Exitence], who started her own blog (but hasn't posted since she moved - we're dying to see pics of the new house when you finally get some time!). I think she's the only other member of my immediate family with a blog. (I think she inspired her sister-in-law to start a blog; I love reading about all of Amy's boys on Gang of Seven.)

My friend Carli [My Miscellaneous Musings] for the inspiration to start a blog, and my mother for the idea of a gratitude journal. (My mother doesn't have a blog.)

My friend Becky [The Way I See the World] for the inspiration to use my own photographs on the banner at the top. Plus I love to look at her photographs.

Melanie Mauer, who I have never met but have loved her blog since I moved to Lexington. She's a Lexington photographer [melanie mauer photography], and Becky turned me on to her website not long after I moved. it has been an invaluable resource for things to do and see and eat in Lexington, plus I adore her photography.

My friends in Colorado so that I can keep up with them from 1700 miles away, my Kentucky friends so I can keep up with them without leaving my sofa, my former Young Women who insist on growing up and getting married, and all the other blogs I have run across that keep me informed and entertained.

There are rules associated with this award (see Jolayne's post), but since I don't usually tag people with my blog, please consider yourself awarded if you read this and you have a blog. Thanks for the fun Jolayne!


Carli said...

Congratulations on your award! Couldn't have happened to a nicer blog or girl. :) Thanks for the shout out. You are an inspiration for me too. Now if I could only run into you some random place... :)

Kristin said...

Are you going to be anywhere random in the future? Maybe we could arrange it... of course, that takes the fun out of it!