Sunday, February 8, 2009


I had an exciting day in Primary. Currently I am filling in as the chorister because we don't have one in Primary, so that keeps me busy. Then last night my first counselor emailed me to say she had a stomach virus and would not be at Primary - the drawback for me is that she was planning to do sharing time. (Honestly, I would rather plan sharing time at the last minute than have her come to church sick. Really!). I still felt like things were kind of under control until my other counselor didn't make it to church, either. So I did singing time, sharing time, and closing exercises all myself. I kind of feel bad for the kids... it's the Sister Ricks show.

I am so grateful for all the teachers that came and our pianist because they were all incredibly helpful and supportive. We have a great bunch of people in Primary and I am so pleased to work with all of them!

1 comment:

Lorie said...

I'm impressed!