Sunday, April 20, 2008

... more Rachaelisms.

fingers are now "bing-ers"

she can now say the letter 'L,' so we have gone from "yeyow" to "yellow"right on to "lellow." Hopefully we can back up to "yellow!"

but we still haven't gotten the hang of "th," so the next door neighbor is still 'caf-ee' (instead of Cathy).

When she's watching TV she gets distracted - so much that she won't use the potty when she really really needs to go. (Good thing we don't watch a lot of TV). So I taught her to use the pause button, which we call the "wait a minute" button. Then when we are ready go again, we press the "triangle button." This has now carried over to my CD player as well - she loves to push the "triangle button."

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