Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Late Night Chatterbox

Things I learned from Rachael in about 10 minutes at 4 AM:

She wants to play Cootie again. The game is all set up still.
It's fun to make up little songs by yourself.
She likes to play with her friend Alex. She likes when they play basketball outside.
Daddy gets upset if you scream at night. (True.)
She still has her coughs. (She's got a little cold).
She is excited about the pizza party at preschool. (On Thursday).
Isn't it fun to play Cootie?
She likes her Cabelas bear. She can't remember if the bear is named Cabela or Camilla, and likes both names, and tries each out repeatedly.
She likes her bear blanket.
She wants to play with her friends.
Can we play Cootie again tomorrow?

And there were lots of other things - she talked for almost 15 minutes straight. I can't remember the rest, but it was 4:00 in the morning. Then I told her it was time to go back to bed.

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