Thursday, January 17, 2008

... snow and service.

This morning we woke to a light dusting of snow on the ground. It reminded me how much I like winter here... it snows just often enough to remind us that it is winter, and make the hills look pretty, but it usually melts by mid-morning. School was, of course, cancelled today. (No joke!)

We also had a chance to visit with our friends at Active Day, an adult day care center for disabled adults. We have been there once a month for about four months now, and it has been lots of fun. We are getting to know some of the clients there and we love to sing songs with them.

And I'm grateful that my husband usually takes out the trash! I'm on my second week now of doing it myself, which is OK, but I am grateful that he usually handles this task and I don't have to think about it.

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