Wednesday, January 9, 2008

... fun food.

Tonight I fixed pancakes for dinner. (Thus ends the no cooking strike. Three days - pretty good!) In an attempt to get Rachael to eat more pancakes than she usually does, I made a Mickey Mouse-shaped pancake for her, complete with chocolate chips for a face.

This was not the most entertaining moment of the evening, though. First, you need to know that Rachael calls her fingers "biggers." Then, you need to know that a few weeks ago we had pancakes with syrup, and she made a sticky mess of her fingers. (Which was totally expected and no problem.) While waiting for me to clean her up, she started singing a song called the "Sticky Bigger Song," which has since evolved to the "Stuck Bigger Song." Future songwriter. But I digress.

The best part was when she asked what we were having for dinner and I told her pancakes with syrup. She said "Oh no! That will make my stickers biggie!" (This just goes to show that you don't have to be old to be verbally dyslexic.)

Long live the Stuck Bigger Song and Stickers Biggie.

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