Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Remember When

Ryan's birthday was last week, and I spent quite a bit of time figuring out how to do a blog post on the topic, but it's been difficult to find pictures. So here it goes...

Remember when you were 3 years old and you got toy John Deere tractor for your birthday? I don't, but I know you do. The tractor is around here somewhere.

Remember when you turned 31 and we bought you a real tractor? Me too.

Remember when we went skiing for your 23rd birthday? And I forgot my wallet and you had to buy the tickets? Me too. Good thing we were engaged at the time.

Remember when we drove home from Utah on your birthday? Rachael was 7 weeks old. But she was healthy enough to go home, that was the best part.

Remember when my mom and dad visited, and it was your birthday? OK that has really happened too many times to count, but two years ago not only was it your birthday and my parents were visiting, it was Easter, too. At least you got an amazing prime rib for dinner.

Remember when we went to Savannah for your birthday and you caught a redfish? Best birthday ever, I think. Let's try for more of those.

Happy Birthday handsome. I hope in the next couple of years you get more fishing and prime rib. Maybe even a double double with onions. And a new tractor. Love you!

1 comment:

Ryan said...

Thanks for the birthdays. As long as you are part of them they are all wonderful. I love you Babe!