Some random thoughts about what I have been thankful for the past week:
- Ballet and Preschool. This last week was spring break for Madison County Schools, so both ballet and preschool were cancelled. I'm glad that we usually have these events for something fun to do during the week.
- Hanging out with friends. Although it was spring break, most of Rachael's friends aren't in school, so we still got to play. One day we went to a gymnastics center with Niki and her three boys - the kids had a great time.
- Good weather. We had a wild thunderstorm on Friday complete with tornado warnings. Ice in the winter, tornadoes in the summer; it just makes me glad for all those days in between that are relatively nice. Or at least uneventful.
- Easter egg hunt. We had some friends over to hunt for eggs around the house last Saturday, which was way more fun than just watching Rachael look for eggs. We had tons of eggs and five kids - so much fun!
Temple Trip. Our ward had a temple trip on Saturday, and even provided babysitting at the church next to the temple so we could go as a couple. Ryan and I have just not been to the temple together very often since Rachael was born, and it was a nice opportunity for us.
- My talk is over. Ryan and I were asked to give talks in church yesterday and I spent all week agonizing over it. I think it went all right and I am mostly glad to have it over. Hopefully I can go another five years without giving a talk.
- Easter Dinner. Some friends invited us over for Easter dinner and we had a great time. We split up the cooking duty (which was great) and just really enjoyed hanging out and watching the Masters with them. None of our families live very close, so we are making our own new family traditions with friends.
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