Learning to plie. They learned first position and second position as well. (The pictures are really grainy because I took them without the flash through a one-way mirror.)
Learning to jump on one foot. (Rachael still can't do it. Probably won't be able to for some time; but she's little so it's OK).
Listening to the instructor.
Rachael has never been to a structured class before (except nursery) so it was a challenge to sit still or stand in one place. (She took lots of mad dashes around the room). She's also the smallest (no surprise there) and probably the youngest. I've never taken a dance class either, so it was a learning experience for all of us!
Oh My Gosh! That is the cutest thing!! Please send lots and lots of pictures and video, too! She is so dang cute!!
I keep coming back to look at these pictures! I can't get enough!
I'm feeling like Lorie....I can't get enough either! Can she be my cyber-daughter? :)
Back again...Have you sent these pictures to Lynne? She'll eat them up, too!
Glad you like the pictures! Amy you can totally have Rachael anytime. ;)
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