moonbow is a rainbow created at night by the light of a full moon and a clear sky. Cumberland Falls is one of only a few places in the world where a moonbow can be seen regularly. Last night was a perfect night: nearly a full moon, mostly clear skies, mild temperatures. And Rachael had a nap during the day.
So we impulsively loaded up the car and drove down to Cumberland Falls, about an hour and a half from here. We got some really neat pictures of the falls at night, but the exposures were unreal. In three hours Ryan and I each only took 12 pictures. Shutter speeds varied from 5 minutes to 12 minutes. Yes, minutes!

I was surprised at how well you could see everything at night , especially after my eyes adjusted to the dark. Of course with a 10 minute exposure time, the picture looks much lighter than it really was.

Rachael was a real trooper! We played with our other cameras while the DLSRs were working. We chased each other around. We had M&M's. At about 10 pm she curled up in her stroller under a blanket and went to sleep. Blissful!

This is what the moonbow looks like after a five minute exposure (F 8.0 ISO 400). But of course, this is not how it looks to the naked eye. At night the moonbow appears as a white arch of light, and the entire scene looks rather black-and-white because it is night and everything is lit by the full moon. I used Photoshop on a similar picture to try and approximate what we actually saw with our eyes.

All in all it was a fun adventure!
Wow Kristen, I'll have to add that to my list of 100 things to do before I die. Sounds amazing. You must have a good tripod too. :)
That's really neat!! Put that on our "To Do" list when we come to visit (which I promise we are going to do!)
That is sooooo awesome! I have NEVER heard of a moonbow! What a cool thing to see! How do you come up with so many cool activities to do with your family? It is so nice to just hop in the car and go! With school and 2 girls it is a bit tougher to do!(not to mention gas prices)
The pictures are absolutly wonderful!
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