Sunday, June 29, 2008

... her active imagination.

After Quiet Time today I went to check on Rachael. She announced that there was a monster in her closet. The conversation went something like this:

"Hi Momma! There's a monster in my closet!" (cheerfully)

"Oh really? Can you show it to me?"

"OK. Here it is Momma." (she pretends to scoop it up in one hand, then 'scoops' it to me)

"Wow. He's tiny."

"Yeah, he's just a little baby monster and he hides in my closet. And he's getting just a little bit cranky because he misses his mommy and daddy and brother and sister."

So we put him back in the closet for a rest. I wonder if the rest of the family will make an appearance soon, and will they fit in the palm of my hand?


Lorie said...

Love it!!

Karin said...

Precious! Rachael has a very sweet spirit I can tell!
If the monsters turn mean or scarry, I use "monster spray" and walk around the room saying this
"Monsters, monsters go away,
Monsters don't like monster spray"
There is another one too but not as cute!
(Monster spray is just air freshener)

Kristin said...

Thankfully we are not scared of monsters yet - I think she just had an imaginary friend that happened to be a monster in the closet.

But thanks for the tip - they may indeed turn scary in a few years!