Wednesday, June 25, 2008

... the "timer."

The latest in our string of potty-training tricks, I bought a wristwatch for Rachael a few days ago. I set it to beep on the hour so it will remind us to use the potty. (Both her and me.) The best part is there's no arguing - it just beeps, and we go.

So far it's worked pretty well; the only accidents she's had have been because we missed the "timer" and didn't go to the potty. I don't know how long it will last, or the flip side, if we will get addicted to the watch to use the potty, but it's working for now so we will go with it. Would it be the end of the world if she wore a wristwatch to elementary school?

And after two weeks of night-time training, she has been dry the last two nights, too! Hooray!


Lorie said...

That's so exciting! And nothing wrong with her going to school with a timer--at this rate, her cousin will be going in diapers!

Karin said...

We LOVE timers in the Mikawa house! We use them for everything! I was able to get a couple of timers at the dollar store. We would be lost without our timers! My Rachel took a long time to potty train...I think that she was about 4 and a half before she was fully potty trained! So hang in there Krissy!