The past two weeks we have been Christmasing, decorating, baking, wrapping, shopping, practicing the piano, and then babysitting, working on cards, finishing gifts, then followed up with a birthday party and a temple trip. Busy but lots of fun. Here are a few things I have been thankful for the past couple of weeks.
New babies: Many congratulations to three of my friends who welcomed new babies in the last week or so. Two were the first children - so fun to see new families being created.

The apron: I used an apron Rachael has to make a pattern so I could make Alex an apron for his birthday. (Isn't that construction print fantastic for a 3 year old boy who loves to play in the kitchen?) I made a couple of modifications over the original and I'm quite pleased with the result. And Rachael really wanted to pose with it for pictures... silly girl!

I Spy: At the party we talked about how much Rachael likes to play "I Spy," at the grocery store, so she launched into a few "I spies" for us. I love the way she cheers for you when you get the right answer. And I especially love the way she stares right at what she "spies," making it really easy to guess. But the best one of the night was when she said, "I spy with my little eye... something that is small and difficult." Sorry Blake, we're on to you.

and Fingerprints: My friend Amy blogged about her not-so-perfect house last year. I loved the post - she is a great blogger. When I saw these sticky fingerprints at the top of the stairs it made me think of that post. I was curious about sticky fingerprints because I don't let Rachael take food upstairs. Here's what she had to say: "Well, my friend (who will remain nameless to protect the guilty) brought a candy cane upstairs and she hid it under my bed. It was sticky. Then I ate it. Then I had to hold onto the wall to go downstairs."
I guess I can't argue with that logic.
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