Sunday, March 29, 2009

More Birds

Every year it seems like we get another bird I either have never seen before or at least have never had the chance to photograph.

The first one is a Purple Finch (although there is nothing purple about it). He looks exceptionally puffy because it was so windy outside.

This is a House Finch (the reddish one) and a new one for us this year, the Pine Siskin. He was a little tricky to figure out, but the yellow wing bars are quite distinctive.

This last one is a Red Bellied Woodpecker... the female of the species. The male still visits the feeder on a regular basis, nearly every morning.


Ryan said...

I really like that Purple Finch shot.

Stacy James said...

I LOVE to watch little finches. I think they are precious. that woodpecker sitting down? Not standing on it's "feet"? That looks odd.