One whole week without blogging on my own blog... how have I survived? I'm sure my electrons have missed me. Some random things I have thankful for in the last week:
* Daylight Savings Time - spring edition
Because Rachael has been getting up earlier and earlier. On Monday everything will be an hour later.
* Electronic Bill Pay
How did I ever sit down and write checks for all the stuff I have to pay for? Of course, my checkbook is accumulating dust...
* Preschool
I had three and a half lovely hours to myself on Thursday morning with no interruptions and nothing else on the schedule. I'll admit I squandered them on housework but I have another Thursday coming this week. Rachael comes home so happy and bubbling about all the things they did, so I feel like it's great all around.
* A visitor
My mom is coming to visit the last week in April because flights are really cheap right now. I'm excited to have her come! Not quite so excited to clean the guest room up, but I'm glad for the motivation to get it done.
* Potty training won't last forever.
Well, it better not. Rachael was doing really really well in February but has fallen off the wagon so to speak every day this week. One day she will get the hang of it. Probably in time to start dating.