But he likes fishing, and he's trying to share that passion with Rachael. So today he tied up two flies, one pink and one purple, from one of Rachael's feather boas. We took the pink one over to the lake to try it out, and believe it or not, actually caught several bluegill with it! (Which also shows just exactly how dumb bluegill are - they will eat anything. Not the point here though.) And we enjoyed another lovely evening fishing at the lake.
Sounds as though she is "hooked" on fishing too. I only like the catching the fish part myself. Never liked putting the worm on the hook, holding the fish, or removing the hook. And you can be sure I didn't touch a knife when it came time to clean them. I'm a high maintenance fisher woman I guess.
I'm high maintenance too - and I won't even touch a worm. But Ryan already knows that and still likes to take me (and Rach) fishing, so that works for us!
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