A couple of days ago I received the following email:
Hi Kristin,
I love the quote from The Noticer in your blog bio! (http://todayiamthankfulfor.blogspot.com/) Thank you for mentioning The Noticer on your blog! I work with Thomas Nelson, and we would love to follow your blog and hear what your readers think of this book. I also want to let you know that Andy Andrews’s latest release The Heart Mender is now available (*revised and updated version of Island of Saints).
Please contact me with your mailing address if you are interested in receiving a complimentary copy of The Heart Mender for review on your site at your convenience.
Marketing Coordinator
Non-Fiction Trade Marketing
Of course I responded that I would like a copy of the book - who wouldn't want a free book to read? And by an author whom you have already read something? So awesome.
Today it arrived at the front porch - via UPS no less - and I am excited to read and review it.
Drop me a comment if you would like to borrow the book when I'm finished.