Fall officially started a couple of weeks ago, which means it's time to get in the kitchen and start baking. Till spring.
We started with pumpkin blueberry muffins that we made for playgroup. Rachael mixed the dry ingredients and Alex mixed the wet ingredients. It took about three times as many dishes to make them but the kids had a really great time, so it was worth it. Plus kids will eat nearly anything they help prepare, and the muffins were no exception.

It was my friend Jenny's birthday so I made her a cake. A Double Decadent Brownie Torte, to be more specific. I misunderstood the directions, though, and really whipped the eggs for way too long, so the cake was kind of airy instead of dense like a torte should be. Still tasted good. (In my defense, the recipe isn't very well written. It has you melt the chocolate and a couple of other things together, then beat the eggs with some sugar, but at no point does it ever say to combine all the ingredients together. I did manage to figure that part out on my own).

More cupcakes. Because we can. These are made with yellow cake that I colored half yellow and half orange, then frosted with green buttercream. Yummy.

Can't wait for pumpkin bread... cranberry bread... and Thanksgiving!