Thanks to my friend
Jessie for tagging me!
3 Joys:1) My husband, Ryan. My best friend, confidant, and occasional world traveler. He picks me up when I'm down and is my constant cheerleader.
2) My daughter Rachael. I learn something new about myself almost everyday and it's not always good. But sometimes it is.
3) Forever Families. It is the belief that
families are forever that sustains me when things go wrong.
3 Fears:1) Something bad will happen to Ryan.
2) Something bad will happen to Rachael.
3) Falling. I'm not afraid of heights but I am afraid of falling from them. Being in a tall building doesn't bother me at all but being on top of a tall building scares me to pieces.
Bonus #4: The spider on the deck. It's huge! And a little scary.
3 Goals:1) To
completely potty train Rachael. Preferably in this century.
2) To have Family Home Evening every Monday night.
3) To visit Alaska. (Or maybe to visit all 50 states. I haven't decided. North Dakota could be tricky.)
3 Obsessions/Collections:1) The living room always has to be clean. My entire house falls apart if the living room is a disaster. Weird, I know.
2) Moving furniture. It hasn't happened as much in this house, but I do love to move the furniture around. Perhaps that's why I have an obsession with keeping the living room clean.
3) My Little Ponies. I try to say they are Rachael's toys (she really does play with them) but at last count we had 42 ponies, plus a castle, an ice cream truck, and a cotton candy cafe. I'm not sure if that qualifies as an obsession or a collection. Probably both.
3 Random Facts:1) I have been to the top of
Haleakala (in Hawaii) - twice.
2) I still have my prom dress from my senior prom. (I don't know who I am hoping will wear it but I can't bear to part with it. Yet.)
3) I was born in Utah and my parents live there now but I still claim to be from Colorado. (I lived there for 24 years. It counts.)
I don't usually tag people with my blog, so if you liked this and want to post your own, please do!