Monday, March 31, 2008
... preparedness.
Today I was asked to help out a sister in the ward who is moving. By the time Rachael and I got over there, she actually wasn't even home, and had changed her plans for the day. Although I didn't get the opportunity to render any service, I'm glad I was prepared when the call came.
Sunday, March 30, 2008
... joint RS/Priesthood.
On the fifth Sunday of the month, the Relief Society and Priesthood meet together for our lesson. I love it because it feels kind of like we are breaking the rules! Instead of worrying about all the things that usually go with organizing RS on Sunday, I get to sit with my husband in the chapel. I don't have to conduct the meeting or play the piano or even give announcements.
I wish we had a fifth Sunday more often!
I wish we had a fifth Sunday more often!
Saturday, March 29, 2008
... a road trip.
We decided we were getting cabin fever around here - I mean, here it is the end of March and we still haven't taken a family vacation. We leave next Wednesday for Savannah, but apparently that wasn't soon enough for all of us, so we loaded up in the car and went to Cincinnati for the day.
Growing up out West everything is so spread out. It is still novel to us to only drive an hour and a half and be out of the state. And someplace interesting!
Growing up out West everything is so spread out. It is still novel to us to only drive an hour and a half and be out of the state. And someplace interesting!
Friday, March 28, 2008
... shampoo.
Rachael had a potty-training accident today, so I sent her upstairs to change her pants and get some dry panties. She was gone for awhile, which is normal. (She is easily distracted by the toys in her room.) When she came back down she had something oily in her hair, and I couldn't figure out what it was. We looked all over her room to see if we could find the source, to no avail. After several attempts to get the information out of her ("Where did you put that stuff, Rachael?" "In my hair, Momma!"), I convinced her I would like to put some in my hair, too. She went to her closet and opened the door, then pulled out her little travel kit. In that kit I keep some Babylax for her occasional irregularity.
Of course... she dumped the contents of three vials on her head to "style" her hair.
We were so glad to take a bath and wash our hair!!
Of course... she dumped the contents of three vials on her head to "style" her hair.
We were so glad to take a bath and wash our hair!!

Thursday, March 27, 2008
... she's so clever.
The other day I was standing by the window, warming myself in the sun. Rachael has a penchant for the curtains being closed, so the conversation goes something like this:
"Momma, I want to close the curtains."
"No, I'm standing in the sun."
"But Momma, I want to close the curtains."
"No, I like to have the sunshine in the morning. And I'm getting warm here in the sun."
At which point she takes me by the hand and leads me over to the sofa to sit down. Then - you guessed it - she ran back and tried to close the curtains.
She's not one to let other people's opinions stand in the way of what she wants!
"Momma, I want to close the curtains."
"No, I'm standing in the sun."
"But Momma, I want to close the curtains."
"No, I like to have the sunshine in the morning. And I'm getting warm here in the sun."
At which point she takes me by the hand and leads me over to the sofa to sit down. Then - you guessed it - she ran back and tried to close the curtains.
She's not one to let other people's opinions stand in the way of what she wants!
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
... we're first.
This afternoon we met with our LDSFS rep. He told us that all the adoptive couple profiles are kept in a binder, in order of who has been waiting the longest. We are at the front of the book.
I'm not sure if I should be thankful or depressed. Maybe both.
I'm not sure if I should be thankful or depressed. Maybe both.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
... 100 calorie chocolate cake.
Monday, March 24, 2008
... her little stories.
Rachael decided that if Dad could tell a story from the Family Home Evening book, then she could make one up, too. She held her hands up like a little book and told a story about Jesus, a donkey, and some Nephites. We're still not sure how they go together, but perhaps it means she listens sometimes when we have a lesson or read scriptures!
Sunday, March 23, 2008
... the Atonement.
Saturday, March 22, 2008
... her balance!
Tonight Rachael was getting ready for a bath; she took off her pants, then reached for both her socks at the same time. Before I could warn her that she would fall down if she tried to take them both off together, she had them off! It was something to see!
Friday, March 21, 2008
... at least the day is over.
Sometimes everything goes so badly that the best you can say is tomorrow is another day.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
... a cool treat.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
... the sunrise.
There is just something magical about being up before the sun. It is always awe-inspiring to watch the sky get painted with color before the sun comes up over the horizon. And I have my three year old to thank for that opportunity on a regular basis.

When we moved from Colorado, one of the things I missed the most was the sun setting over the mountains. No mountains here! But we traded for some spectacular sunrises over the hills, so it turned out pretty well.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
... the daffodils.
My favorite tiny daffodils are blooming in the front yard right now... they are only about five inches tall and they are so cute! Spring is definitely on the way.
Monday, March 17, 2008
... and a husband who is a techno-geek.
My laptop has been falling apart lately - especially the power adapter. It won't stay connected or charge the battery. Long story short, I practically took it apart today, and when it was back together but still not working, Ryan took it all apart again to fix it. It's not completely fixed but much better. I'm so glad he knows how to work these things!
... adjustable waists.

Whoever came up with the buttons and elastic in the waist for kids clothes was a genius!
Sunday, March 16, 2008
... practice!
This week I have been practicing singing the songs for Easter for choir. I'll admit it's partly because I wondered if I would have to substitute for the director again, and I wanted to be prepared, but partly because I just needed the practice. What a difference it made today at choir practice! I sound almost like I know what I'm doing. Scary. I'll be glad when Easter is over.
Saturday, March 15, 2008
... I'm not in the Stake Relief Society.
Today I substituted for the Stake Enrichment Counselor (who is in our ward) at some stake RS training. It made me very grateful that I'm serving in a ward calling and not a stake one. Lots of responsibility!!
Friday, March 14, 2008
... the birds.
The birds have returned to the yard. This means that despite the snow last week, spring is really on the way. And the flowers are starting to bloom in the yard, that's another good indicator. I love watching all the different birds in our backyard, there is such a variety of color. We have cardinals, blue jays, goldfinches, purple finches, swallows, juncos, and lots of robins and starlings. We're hoping some more cardinals nest in the backyard again; they are really fun to watch.

Thursday, March 13, 2008
... Rachael's books.
Rachael loves to look at books, but just lately I have noticed she can almost read them to herself. She can practically memorize any book I read to her, and later she can pull it out and read it to herself. So cute!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008
... a good book.
Today I started "The Persian Pickle Club" for Book Club next week, and I am thoroughly enjoying it. One of my great treasures in life is to curl up with a good book. Today it feels like such a nice break. I can't wait to finish it!
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
... the RS party is over.
I have been planning our Relief Soceity Birthday dinner for a couple of months now, and tonight was the big night. Everyone had a great time, we ended just a little early, and I didn't have to cook any food or do any dishes. All in all, a big success! And I'm glad to have it behind me and focus my attention on something else for a change.
Monday, March 10, 2008
... daylight savings time.
I admit, most years I can't stand the spring forward time change. Losing an hour of sleep is just the tip of the iceburg; most years it takes me a week before I feel like things are normal again. It's like traveling without going someplace cool.
But this year, Rachael has been slowly working her way towards getting up at 7 am. So when Sunday rolled around and she woke up at the same time, it was 8 am instead. Good change!! I wonder how long it will last...
And I probably would have enjoyed that a lot more if I hadn't already been up since 5:30 myself. Now I just need to work on sleeping in!
But this year, Rachael has been slowly working her way towards getting up at 7 am. So when Sunday rolled around and she woke up at the same time, it was 8 am instead. Good change!! I wonder how long it will last...
And I probably would have enjoyed that a lot more if I hadn't already been up since 5:30 myself. Now I just need to work on sleeping in!
Sunday, March 9, 2008
... and swirled chocolate chips.
... keeping busy.
I have discovered that I get more from church when I am an active participant. It's a good thing, too; today I substituted at the organ, conducted in RS, substitute taught the lesson in RS (thankfully I was prepared), and then subtituted for the choir director. All in the same three hours - because of the weather a lot of people decided not to come to church today. (I'm still not used to that mentality!) So as a result the middle block of church was cancelled, so we had Relief Society right after sacrament. Except that I really could have used the time today, I thought it was really great. I think we could get used to that every week!
Anyway, I learned that participating in everything means that I have to pay attention and keep up with the conversation. And next week I'll be glad that it's someone else's turn!
Anyway, I learned that participating in everything means that I have to pay attention and keep up with the conversation. And next week I'll be glad that it's someone else's turn!
Saturday, March 8, 2008
... a snow day!
It was the storm of the decade! People here can't believe that it snowed in March; apparently they don't know that March is the snowiest month in Colorado. We have a grand total of three inches, up to six in the drifts. It's shocking. School was, of course, cancelled. Oh wait - it's Saturday. Well, at least basketball was cancelled anyway. So you know it's serious.
We did lots of fun things today! This morning Rachael and I decorated an apron so she can wear it when she is helping in the kitchen. Then this afternoon we got all decked out and I taught her how to make snow angels. She loved it! We tried a snowman but the snow is just all wrong. It's packed ice underneath and soft powder on the top. Perfect for skiing...

...speaking of skiing, Ryan and I go to talking about how it's great snow, except that there's only a couple of inches. Long story short, he pulled the skis out of the basement and strapped them on. Proof you really can ski in Kentucky!

Friday, March 7, 2008
... making a movie.
Once a year I try to go through all the video footage we have taken and put together a DVD of Rachael for her birthmother. It's a lot of work but certainly easier one year at a time. Yes, I know it would be better if I did it more frequently; I figure I'm doing pretty well to hit once a year. It's fun to see the year in review! I tend to photograph important moments or silly things Rachael does, but I tend to videotape the everyday stuff, like when she plays the piano or dances and sings. Between the two it's a pretty good record of our lives.
So I'm grateful that I need to make a movie; otherwise I might never review these tapes!
So I'm grateful that I need to make a movie; otherwise I might never review these tapes!
Thursday, March 6, 2008
... friends with cool careers.
Tonight we went to a cello recital at Eastern Kentucky University right here in Richmond. It was really neat because the cellist is one of our friends, Nathan. He is a professor at EKU and this was his faculty recital. How fun is that?!? There were three pieces; my favorite was the Rachmaninov. Thanks Dr. J. for the invitation!
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
...vacation planning.
We are taking a trip to Savannah, GA in a few weeks; Ryan wanted to go fishing for his birthday, so he found a guide in Savannah. We have never been before so it's another new experience for all of us. Rachael and I will spend one day together probably shopping and seeing the sights, then we will spend one day as a family on the beach. I'm looking forward to it!
I love the planning almost as much as the vacation, too. I like evaluating hotels, finding things to do in the area, looking for interesting restaurants, and just enjoying the anticipation in general. We planned a trip to Hawaii a few years ago (pre-Rachael), we started in January and the trip wasn't until October. It was so great to savor the anticipation all year.
We're planning something similiar for next year... to celebrate 15 years of wedded bliss we are going on an Alasakan cruise. Is it too early to start reviewing options? (Ryan doesn't think so - he already ordered a Holland America catalog). And this fall will be our first family trip to Disney World... we think Rachael is old enough to have lots of fun meeting princesses.
I love the planning almost as much as the vacation, too. I like evaluating hotels, finding things to do in the area, looking for interesting restaurants, and just enjoying the anticipation in general. We planned a trip to Hawaii a few years ago (pre-Rachael), we started in January and the trip wasn't until October. It was so great to savor the anticipation all year.
We're planning something similiar for next year... to celebrate 15 years of wedded bliss we are going on an Alasakan cruise. Is it too early to start reviewing options? (Ryan doesn't think so - he already ordered a Holland America catalog). And this fall will be our first family trip to Disney World... we think Rachael is old enough to have lots of fun meeting princesses.
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
... batting her eyelashes.
Rachael was asking for some juice this morning, and in her zeal to say "pwease" and use polite words, she even managed to bat her eyelashes. It was so funny I just had to get up and get her some juice.
She has decided it worked so well that she's been trying it out all day. Such a little flirt!
Monday, March 3, 2008
... the washer and dryer.

Sunday, March 2, 2008
... the potty-trained girl!
... Ryan being home.
Ryan returned from a two week trip to China today. We're so glad to have him home!
... airline updates.
I really like that in this day and age I can just get on the computer and check all of Ryan's flights. Some airlines (Delta, I think) even show you approximately where on the journey the plane is located. it's comforting to know that everything's OK, or at least to know what the problem is when there is one.
Saturday, March 1, 2008
... many things.

... more safe travels. Today we drove home from Lesley's house and made it safely. We had some snow in Maryland, and got stuck in traffice for an hour in Pennsylvania, but it was a good trip. Rachael was really good, and even took a nap during the snowstorm.
... cruise control. How did we ever drive long distances without it? It sure makes driving a 500 mile trip by myself a lot easier.
... the portable DVD player. Once again, how did we travel long distances without it? It keeps Rachael entertained for hours.
... beautiful countryside. I can't believe West Virginia can be pretty every time of the year, but it's really nice right now, pretty in the spring, beautiful in the summer, and absolutely gorgeous in the fall.
... cruise control. How did we ever drive long distances without it? It sure makes driving a 500 mile trip by myself a lot easier.
... the portable DVD player. Once again, how did we travel long distances without it? It keeps Rachael entertained for hours.
... beautiful countryside. I can't believe West Virginia can be pretty every time of the year, but it's really nice right now, pretty in the spring, beautiful in the summer, and absolutely gorgeous in the fall.
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