Some of Rachael's funny words & phrases:
finger: still pronounced as "bigger" (as in sticky biggers and the stuck bigger song)
open: even though she can say open, she still says "o-ten"
strawberry: until very recently was a "straw-ber-berry" (one of my favorites!)
potato: "pee-tay-toe"
banana: "bee-na-na"
pajamas: "pee-jammies"
blanket: "banquet"
ice cream: "ham scream" (another favorite, how silly is that?) We call Dairy Queen the "ham cream store"
When she wants some chapstick she says, "I want some yips (lips) on." This also applies to anyone wearing lipstick, "She have some yips on."
She's a little bit of a southern belle; most of the time she calls me "momma."
And here we are three weeks past Christmas and she still says "thank you for my pony castle" and "thank you for my dollhouse" in her evening prayers. I love that she thought of those all on her own - I didn't prompt it in her prayers.